Dialogue on Race Nursing: A New Frontier in Ending Racism
Dialogue on Race Louisiana is thrilled to announce the launch of Dialogue on Race Nursing, a charter of Dialogue on Race Louisiana, in partnership with the Louisiana Action Coalition. As part of Dialogue on Race Louisiana’s ongoing mission to end racism through education, transformation, and action, this new initiative aimed at ending racism within nursing is exciting.
The inaugural event, a joint Race in Conversation titled "Racism and the Historical Roots of Nursing," set the stage for a groundbreaking dialogue among participants in the medical field. This event provided a unique space for healthcare professionals to engage in conversations about racism in ways they may not have had the opportunity to before. Participants shared that the open dialogue on racism and healthcare topics, interactions with community members, and the historical insights presented were incredibly valuable aspects of the discussion.
From the outset, participants expressed a keen interest in exploring a wide range of topics, including effective communication strategies, overcoming barriers, the role of nursing education, disparities in cancer care, maternal and child outcomes in African American communities, institutional changes to improve nursing practices, and the impact of racism on healthcare received by people of color.
Other areas of interest included the crucial role of paraprofessionals in ending racism, the intersectionality of race and gender, plans for moving forward, addressing belonging and safety in healthcare settings, the effects of social determinants of health, racism in education, equal opportunity for promotion in the private sector, biases in medical treatment, and the importance of continuing dialogues on these critical issues.
Building on the success of this inaugural event, Dialogue on Race Louisiana's award-winning Original Series will provide a platform for further facilitated conversation over the course of the new six-week Dialogue on Race Nursing Original Series, in partnership with Louisiana Action Coalition.
Stay tuned for updates and announcements about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved in the Dialogue on Race Nursing charter.
To learn more, contact Dialogue on Race Louisiana at info@dialogueonracelouisiana.org
To learn more about Louisiana Action Coalition, contact Kelsi Guidry at lacnursing@gmail.com